Thinking Metal Music
Electronic Music for the 21st Century

Thinking Metal is an independent record label based in the North East of England. The label was formed in 1995 and currently represents SkinMechanix, Ion, Uranium Saints & The Cray Twins.

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor

Thinking Metal Music

We're passionate about music. We're passionate about artists and getting a fair deal for all.

We're about honesty, integrity and the desire to boogie the night away to the best possible music on the planet.

Come and join the party.

Who we are and what we do:

  • Ion are primarily focussed on soundtrack work and synchronisation licensing. Their music has featured on a wide range of projects - from small, minority interest podcasts, to medium budget relaxation vidoes and even a couple of (modest) Hollywood movies.
  • SkinMechanix are heavyweight, industrial art-house shockers. They're our prodigal son. They do their own thing. Their last outing was in 2018. After that adventure, they jumped aboard the first starship they could commandere and headed towards the outer rim. They say they're working on new material but we're certain they're just getting bladdered on Scrumpy Jack and playing video games.
  • Uranium Saints are our dance / trance outlet. Their debut EP is nearly finished. Gigs are running throughout 2025.
  • T-Bass was our synthwave / futurist project, which kick-started this adventure thirty years ago. We have some plans to resurrect the band as a solo project although they remain vague and nebulous at this point.

on Radio Northumberland

Thinking Metal is proud to sponsor Bridges, a radio show dedicated to Electronic Music is all of its weird and wonderful forms. The show airs on Radio Northumberland on the first Saturday of each month with repeats on the second, third annd fourth Saturday. Additional repeats are broadcast on Monday & Thursday nights at 2200 hours. This is a small community radio station with big ambitions. We hope to have a proper DAB licence early in 2024. The focus of the show is mainly on dark electro, shouty guitar bands, cool ambient and lots and lots of bands local to the North East of England..

Infection Music

Thinking Metal will now manage the marketing wing of Infection Music Limited. Most of our gigs already feature IML equipment in one form or another so melding the two operations made sense. Expect to see more of their wares at the next couple of gigs.

Other projects : Arts & Multimedia:

We're huge film fans. We've been making our own promotional movies for thirty years - learning the skills, slowly improving our technique and building up a healthy array of production tools. Last year, we began experimenting with animation and a few off-the-wall production techniques, which probably makes us unique in this region.

We're also huge technology geeks. We design, prototype and manufacture our own instruments - mostly sequencers & synthesisers - as well as experimenting with alternative techniques for creating and manipulating sound and video.

News / Updates

  • 23-Feb-25 : The Star and Shadow Gig Uploaded

    I've uploaded a recording of our recent gig at the Star and Shadow to the Thinking Metal Server although it's only available for our Bandcamp Followers. Wanna hear it? Become a follower. Better still. Buy something.

    We may make this set available as an EP if there's enough interest.

    Thoughts and musings upon the gig at the Star and Shadow are in the blog...

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  • 18-Jan-25 : A Secret Gig

    We did a Secret Gig...

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  • 08-Jan-25 : 30th Anniversary

    2025 marks our thirtieth anniversary. Expect some surprises...

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  • 23-Dec-24 : New EP release

    Perdition's Flames is our new soundtrack EP...

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  • 26-Nov-24 : New single release

    Sunday Afternoon is our new single...

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  • 17-Nov-24 : Gigs and other disasters

    It's not been a good month...

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  • 01-Oct-24 : Web Hosting issues

    Our parent company, Infection Music are experiencing some issues with their web hosting system so we've added a temporary installation to help them out. Hopefully, full access will be restored shortly.

  • 17-Sep-24 : Phantoms

    A little while ago, I was commissioned to write the theme tune to a new radio show, Phantom Frequencies on Radio Northumberland.

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  • 28-May-24 : The Blog is back

    The Blog is back. I wondered where it had gone.

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  • 18-Apr-24 : New Ion Video

    Ion have released another new video, Nocturne, and whilst this one isn't taken from the new album, it does show how their work is progressing.

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  • 11-Apr-24 : New Ion Video

    Ion have released a new video, Secrets, to illutrate the work-in-progress on their new album, which is still as yet untitled.

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Contact Thinking Metal Music

You can contact Thinking Metal Music by clicking :

Please note that Customer Support hours are Monday - Thursday : 0830 - 1730, Friday : 0830 - 1330.

The Customer Support Office is closed Saturday & Sunday, and all major holidays.

Notice : Our staff have a right to do their work in a safe environment free from violent, threatening and abusive behaviour. If you do not respect the rights of our staff we may make arrangements for you to be removed from our customer list. In addiiton, we may choose to inform the Police. Abuse against staff online is treated as seriously as offline abuse. The company does not provide services for customers with a history of, and ongoing risk of violence.